A couple of weeks ago we asked you for some feedback regarding the preferred delivery time for a RAB Daily Digest email. Now it’s time to actually start sending out that daily email.
A near majority of you prefer email delivery first thing in the morning, so you can expect this email to hit your inboxes at 6 a.m. Eastern, Monday through Friday. If this proves popular enough, and people want different delivery options (an evening regurgitation of the day’s posts, a Sunday edition, etc.), we’ll consider expansion. But for now, we’re sticking with the one daily email, first thing, five days a week.
What will you get in this daily emaiL?
- What you missed on RAB – in case you didn’t read the previous day’s posts
- News and intriguing tidbits from around the league, with commentary
- One daily mailbag question: from subscribers, for subscribers
- When we have the info available, a preview of what’s on tap for RAB today
As with any project, this will start rough and adapt as we go. We’ll respond to your thoughts and recommendations and hopefully create a neat new entity for RAB.
So why not give us a shot and sign up? Worst case, you click that Unsubscribe link and go about your day. Best case, we can talk about the Yankees in perhaps a different way.